Monday, February 13, 2017

Exciting Uses of Augmented Reality

Technology has accelerated to warp speed in the the past 20 years. When you look at inventions such as the Wright Brothers airplane in 1903 to the Model T Ford in 1908, the television in 1927 to the first operating system for computers in 1964, and the first personal computer in 1983 to the Google domain being registered in 1997, there is a lot of amazing advancements during that 94-year timeline. But since 1997, technology being developed is jaw dropping. From autonomous cars to drones and 3D printers to wallpaper thin TVs, a lot has happened and it will only continue to advance faster with communication and the sharing of information through the Internet. Our world has gotten much smaller in the sense of connectivity and problem solving. Two of the most popular technologies are augmented reality and virtual reality. A few of the real-world uses of augmented reality are outlined in this post from 3 Pillar Global:

Real-World ExamplesAugmented Reality
  • AR applications can become the backbone of the education industry. Apps are being developed which embed text, images, and videos, as well as real–world curriculums.
  • Printing and advertising industries are developing apps to display digital content on top of real world magazines.
  • With help of AR, travelers can access real-time information of historical places just by pointing their camera viewfinder to subjects.
  • AR is helpful in development of translation apps that can interpret text in other languages for you.
  • Location based AR apps are major forms of AR apps. Users can access information about nearest places relative to current location. They can get information about places and choose based on user reviews.
  • With the help of Unity 3d Engine, AR is being used to develop real-time 3D Games.
Curious about the differences between augmented reality and virtual reality? Although they are similar, the way you experience them is quite different. This explanation from Tech Times is short, sweet, and to the point:

Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: What are the differences and similarities? : TECH : Tech Times

What is Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is the blending of virtual reality and real life, as  developers can create images within applications that blend in with contents in  the real world. With AR, users are Augmented Reality Medicalable to interact with virtual contents in the  real world, and are able to distinguish between the two.

What is Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is all about the creation of a virtual world that users can interact with. This virtual world should be designed in such a way that users would find it difficult to tell the difference from what is real and what is not. Furthermore, VR is usually achieved by the wearing of a VR helmet or goggles similar to the Oculus Rift. Read the full post here:   Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: What are the differences and similarities? : TECH : Tech Times
As a former educator, this demonstration of how augmented reality can be used in education is mind blowing. Trying to reach kids across all styles of learning is part of what makes teaching so challenging. You have find a way to capture the attention of kids that learn by listening, reading & writing, visual learners, and students that do best with hands-on activities. Technology has helped solve this issue for many teachers, and the following video demonstrates a system of using augmented reality to teach reading, writing, and other cross-curricular subjects:
There are many buzzwords that come and go in the educational world. A few ideas stick around because the make sense and help children learn, but many are experiments that fail. If you have ever spent time in a classroom or helping your own kids with their homework at night, you know that comprehension of a subject and relating it to real life are critical no matter what learning style is most prevalent with your child. This teacher's post about the use of augmented reality in education is very well written with ideas for free apps and how to utilize them. One app he mentions is call Aurasma, which allows you to turn everyday objects, images, and places into new opportunities for engagement. He feels rather adamant that AR isn't just a fad but rather that it will be part of the future of education.

Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning | EdutopiaAugmented Reality World Globe

Start exploring with some of the many AR tools available. For example, we've used the free app, ColAR Mix, to have students fill in the app's coloring sheets, watch the pages come to life, and then compose stories based on the images they have just designed. Also check out AR Flashcards, AR Flashcards: Space, NASA Spacecraft 3D and PBS FETCH! Lunch Rush.

Though it might be a buzz term in education circles, don't assume that AR is just another fad. After all, profound learning occurs when students create, share, interact and explain. AR not only changes the environment around children, it also allows kids to construct their own exciting learning worlds as small as the atom or as big as the cosmos.

Read more here:  Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning | Edutopia


Exciting Uses of Augmented Reality is republished from

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